Monday, July 28, 2008

Operations-related Senior Managerial Roles and Competencies

Operations-related Senior Managerial Roles

1 Implementation of policies

2 Implementation of changes and innovations in area of jurisdiction

3 Setting of short-term tasks and targets for area of work

4 Fair allocation of the work to members of the staff

5 Seeking suggestions and help from ‘clients’ in order to improve the services provided by his/her department/unit

6 Operating an appropriate control system for the department/unit

7 Providing periodic feedback to staff and helping them review their performance

8 Rewarding/encouraging good performance

9 Anticipating and/or mitigating crises

‘Core’ Competencies for Operations Roles at Senior level

Competencies having correlations of 0.50 and above with
operations roles

1 This person can be counted upon to play his/her part in getting
jobs done

2 This person has a fine sense of timing when it comes to
introducing changes or innovations

3 This person is great at spotting and seizing opportunities that
are beneficial to the organization

4 This person puts out his/her best and expects to come out
way ahead of others

5 In getting jobs done, this person has a knack for doing the
right things at the right time

6 This person seeks and accepts personal responsibility for
getting a job done

7 This person has a knack for mobilizing the necessary
resources for a task even when resources are scarce

8 This person has a knack for making very persuasive
presentations for proposals for new projects or activities

9 This person has a knack for building an effective team for
implementing a new project or activity

Pradip N Khandwalla

“Competencies for Senior Manager Roles”

Vikalpa, October-December 2004

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