Monday, July 28, 2008

Senior Managerial Roles in Strategic planning and implementing

Senior Managerial Roles in Strategic planning and implementing

1 Formulation of policies

2 Planning of changes and innovations in area of jurisdiction

3 Securing critically needed information and intelligence for formulating goals

4 Setting of long-term objectives for area of work

5 Securing an understanding of the nature of the organization’s vendors, competitors, etc.

6 Articulating a vision for the future activities/impact of his/her unit/department

7 Contributing to the growth and diversification of unit/department

8 Procuring scarce financial, human, technical resources for the unit/department

9 Building up the image of unit/department

Competencies Highly Correlated (0.50 and above)
with Strategic Roles

1 Puts out the best and expects to come out way ahead of

2 Often comes up with original solutions to difficult problems

3 Carefully maps out all the steps of a solution or a course
of action

4 Has a knack for making very persuasive presentations for
proposals for new projects or activities

5 Has a fine sense of timing when it comes to introducing
changes or innovations

6 Is great at spotting and seizing opportunities that are beneficial
to the organization

Pradip N Khandwalla

“Competencies for Senior Manager Roles”

Vikalpa, October-December 2004

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